Wia Gold plans to start all required planning and engagement of consultants to advance the Kokoseb Gold Project to the scoping study level in 2025.
The Kokoseb Gold Project is in northwest Namibia, approximately 320 km by road from the capital city of Windhoek.
Kokoseb lies within the Okombahe exploration licence, held under a joint venture by Wia (80%) and Epangelo (20%).
The Okombahe licence is part of Wia Gold’s broader Damaran Belt tenure in Namibia, which consists of 12 tenements across a total area of over 2,700 km2.
Wia Gold also wants to increase the strength of technical development capabilities on-site and start geotechnical activities to develop a first-phase geotechnical drilling program to inform pit designs.
The company will further advance metallurgy work with two samples totalling 302kg arriving at the laboratory for metallurgical testing.
Additionally, Wia Gold will agree and sign proposals for initial pit optimisation and project strategy, mining and production schedule, mining cost estimation, pit waste rock dumps and road designs.
Furthermore, Wia Gold plans to expand hydrology and environmental work, undertake satellite imagery and topography of the site, and do design work on surface water management and considering roads, power lines, and water lines.
The company will use the A$30 million raised from a placement at an issue price of A$0.15 per share.